Allan Drew
'Wharekaho Beach' Overland
'Kinaesthesia' Flash Frontiers
'No Confession' Turbine | Kapohau
'Sociology' Headland Extras
'On the Kaipara' NoiseMedium
Anthropology' Headland
'The Local Mess' Swamp
'Scholar's Mate' Headland
'The Smell of it All' Flash Frontiers
'A Walk in the Park' Swamp
'Cycling' Ika
'Intersection' Swamp
'Office Cockroach' Headland
'Tomorrow' Turbine
'How do you feel?' Dominion Post
'Vatu' JAAM
'Breakast' Salient
'Still breathing' Salient
'Transit of Venus' BSSP Anthology
'Making the bits fit' Takahe
'Future World' Takahe
'Somewhere' Ingenio
'Everyday Easy' Ingenio
'Ethan Hawke and the inexplicable plague of snails' Bravado
'All that talk' The Kiwi Diary
'Performance management' Hue & Cry
'Making ends meet' REM Magazine
'Haikupoemization' REM Magazine
'Forward-looking statements' Poetry NZ
'Symmetry' Blackmail Press
''What am I reading?' Bonsai: The big book of short stories [Forthcoming August 2018]
'The midst' Headlands: New stories of anxiety. [Forthcoming October 2018]
'Indefatigable wings' [Creative non-fiction] Overland
'Eve's characterisation and generic engagement: Hutchinson and Milton' [Conference abstract] Newcastle University
'Blinded by the Light' [Creative non-fiction] Overland.
'Can the Writer Speak?: On Writers, Politics and Terorism' [Creative non-fiction] Kill Your Darlings
'Microfiction as a progressive form' [Essay/Review] Newtown Review of Books
'In defense of #badsex' [Creative non-fiction] The Atlantic
'That shape had none: Integrity of character in William Blake's illustrations of Paradise Lost' [Conference abstract] University of Waikato
'Morrissey's marketable merde' [Creative non-fiction] Overland
'Characterizing Rebecca: Lucy Hutchinson’s elaboration in biblical negative space' [Journal article] Te Kura Kete Aronui
'The C-word' [Creative non-fiction] Overland
'Characterization and negative space' [Conference abstract] University of Waikato
"On writing" [Invited commentary] Headland
“The Politics of Prizes” University of Auckland
'Men Adrift' University of Auckland